To the witches’ house we must go
Along the path, no shadows grow
Through mud soaked lands, that few would tread
contemplating the risk ahead
Over there in the nook
Around the tree with the crook
We take the path that leads us straight
Knowing quite well our grisly fate
Devils fog engulfs our way
Are there dangers, who can say?
Tread more softly on this stony trail
All will know if we fail
Look real hard through moss covered trees
See the witch upon her knees
My eyes do fool me it’s a bush
Onward still we must push
It could be morning it could be night
That begets this wooded mystery sight
All I know is we must fetch
The evil women a living wretch
Out there some where she doth lurk
A toothless spook an unholy smirk
Eyes as empty as dark of night
She consumes the innocent in her sight
Along this path of moss and rain
To our mission we must train
Get that witch and in her bed
Detach evils ilk, her thorny head !
Along the path, no shadows grow
Through mud soaked lands, that few would tread
contemplating the risk ahead
Over there in the nook
Around the tree with the crook
We take the path that leads us straight
Knowing quite well our grisly fate
Devils fog engulfs our way
Are there dangers, who can say?
Tread more softly on this stony trail
All will know if we fail
Look real hard through moss covered trees
See the witch upon her knees
My eyes do fool me it’s a bush
Onward still we must push
It could be morning it could be night
That begets this wooded mystery sight
All I know is we must fetch
The evil women a living wretch
Out there some where she doth lurk
A toothless spook an unholy smirk
Eyes as empty as dark of night
She consumes the innocent in her sight
Along this path of moss and rain
To our mission we must train
Get that witch and in her bed
Detach evils ilk, her thorny head !