Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stimulus; Stim-u-lus, n. financial inspiration gained at the expense of the future x interest + mis-allocations = elongation of dilemma. Otherwise known as no end in sight and more to come.

Possible origin Stim from (Stymie to confound) (U) short for You and (lus) from lose.

Stymie you lose.....

ex. USA depression of 1930's and Japan in 90's

Stimulus woes!

The first shall be last
they did declare
while sitting high up
on their easy chair

and the last shall be made first

was newly declared
as the best solution
to making things "fair"

and the last shall discover a thirst

Spend a trillion here
spend a trillion there
the debt keeps climbing
yet nobody seems to care

and bailouts were given to even the worst

same old sellers
of yesterdays lies
promise us the moment
and reach for the skies

and all shall become bloated for want and thirst

the last shall be first
the heretic did cry
as he sold out the present
for future voters to buy

and all felt the load when the easy chair burst
and all felt the load
from the last to the very, very first