Political correctness is the slimy underbelly of a lizard called deception.
People must stop going to the alter of the lizard for advice on where to stand and start defending themselves with every tool at their disposal.
Those who worship the untruthful deception of “Correctness” by virtue of silence have opened the door for total domination of our culture and way of life by those who would bully and deceive.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Freedoms voice
On September 11 a blow was struck, a whimpering fanatical surge
That targets mostly innocence, in its quest for an opposition to purge
But standing tall in New York City, with its foundations deep in the earth
Is the hearts and souls of the New York people and what they feel They're worth
When terror struck, they didn’t fade, they didn’t cower away
Like bees in a hive, with survival scent, they blew the dust away
And marched right in, to destruction's jaws, to death they showed contempt
Courage preserved for all of us, in rescues final attempt
Men of steel were born that day, their deaths a defiant stand
Shown to all who witnessed it, not unique in all this land
New Yorkers were, reminding us, that our way is to preserve
And fight against all tyranny, as it is in liberty that we do serve
Freedom builds and shapes the metal, of the women and the men
Foundations laid by ancestral right, we’ve been reminded once again
That courage comes not just from victory, but to resist and take a stand
And preserve for future generations, freedom throughout the land
September 11 is not unique, in that we are often under attack
From tyranny abroad and tyranny within, we must always watch our back
As freedoms host, we stand exposed, a beacon of liberties choice
Threatening our nation, anneals our faith, with a freedom's resounding voice.
That targets mostly innocence, in its quest for an opposition to purge
But standing tall in New York City, with its foundations deep in the earth
Is the hearts and souls of the New York people and what they feel They're worth
When terror struck, they didn’t fade, they didn’t cower away
Like bees in a hive, with survival scent, they blew the dust away
And marched right in, to destruction's jaws, to death they showed contempt
Courage preserved for all of us, in rescues final attempt
Men of steel were born that day, their deaths a defiant stand
Shown to all who witnessed it, not unique in all this land
New Yorkers were, reminding us, that our way is to preserve
And fight against all tyranny, as it is in liberty that we do serve
Freedom builds and shapes the metal, of the women and the men
Foundations laid by ancestral right, we’ve been reminded once again
That courage comes not just from victory, but to resist and take a stand
And preserve for future generations, freedom throughout the land
September 11 is not unique, in that we are often under attack
From tyranny abroad and tyranny within, we must always watch our back
As freedoms host, we stand exposed, a beacon of liberties choice
Threatening our nation, anneals our faith, with a freedom's resounding voice.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
What does the Marxist think of life?
That all should equally suffer strife
Equality of suffrage not freedoms escape
Marxism requires earned value to rape
Suppressing the Lord’s own gift of creation
They worship oppression upon a nation
If you have talent and wish to inspire
You get nothing in return but the Marxist’s ire
Try as you may to excel and invent
Marxist compliance is the only intent
Like a zealot emboldened with religious deceit
The Marxist requires you under his feet
Truly our god and religion require
That a man seeks elevation to get out of the mire
And in this way we may reach out our hand
To offer inspiration throughout the land
Morality is, a personal choice
Sung by the masses not government’s voice
Marxism chains a man to a cause
Not by God’s inspiration but a bureaucrat’s flaws
Marxism, Marxism the terrible curse
A terrible doctrine a religion that’s worse
Marxism, Marxism the despicable rave
A government’s choice that hopes to enslave
I like freedom and god’s clear voice
To lead my life and make my choice
So I say to you that seek the Marxist verve
There is to only one God that I will serve!
That all should equally suffer strife
Equality of suffrage not freedoms escape
Marxism requires earned value to rape
Suppressing the Lord’s own gift of creation
They worship oppression upon a nation
If you have talent and wish to inspire
You get nothing in return but the Marxist’s ire
Try as you may to excel and invent
Marxist compliance is the only intent
Like a zealot emboldened with religious deceit
The Marxist requires you under his feet
Truly our god and religion require
That a man seeks elevation to get out of the mire
And in this way we may reach out our hand
To offer inspiration throughout the land
Morality is, a personal choice
Sung by the masses not government’s voice
Marxism chains a man to a cause
Not by God’s inspiration but a bureaucrat’s flaws
Marxism, Marxism the terrible curse
A terrible doctrine a religion that’s worse
Marxism, Marxism the despicable rave
A government’s choice that hopes to enslave
I like freedom and god’s clear voice
To lead my life and make my choice
So I say to you that seek the Marxist verve
There is to only one God that I will serve!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Socialism vs. Capitalism
I have a great fear that people are to beginning to be convinced socialism is some sort of cure for mankind’s moral ills.
Neither capitalism nor socialism create or secure morality.
Capitalism allows for a society to set its individuals in the midst of their own value setting, with a high risk of reality to that risk and value setting. Advice would be to protect the rights not the privileges of the masses and insure a flow of wealth to fall as well as emulate from effort and productivity of societies members.
Examples would be our checkered history. Social aims should be addressed from the morality of the people not the finances imposed by government will , which only seams to divert power to a different group that then seeks to dominate the economics of others; Again not necessarily a guarantee of safety or security for all.
Socialism has the same flaws permanently etched in its history but more so in its presumption that it cleanses corruption from political intent. It does no such thing but does force compliance to the will of the few at the expense of individual social aim and decisions to survive. Securing government approval or coercion of purpose seems to be its foundation not moral support of destinies aims.
I know a lot of well intended ideas and people think that socialism works on paper and that should give in preference over capitalism; however the truth is far more different.
Virtuous aims exist in all systems and a certain amount of trust that the government will impose as little debt and burden to individuals to insure choice and survival can’t be insured without civic responsibility and a desire to allow people their space to freely seek their own wealth, destiny and individual set purpose in life’s pursuits. No system can guarantee that and neither system will preserve that, if the people willfully give over their individual mass power to government control.
We are seeing Carl Marxist theory that if you burden capitalism with enough well intention un-affordable government mandated programs you can collapse it. To assume that socialism is a cure of this kind of destruction of worth and self destiny is a blessing is very far from the truth.
The questions to ask is are the flaws of capitalism more egregious than the stifling government control and destruction of individual risk and reward a better safer alternative?
Never assume that one system over another is the cure for human frailty and moral decay. One system is designed around human forced conformity and what is perceived as an acceptable sacrifice; the people’s choice of self destiny. The result is the ever decreasing rewards of servitude to some one elses will. The other is designed around a more risky proposition, which requires participation in an effort to succeed and not be left outside of the flow of success. Prosperity therefore is not its flaw but its reward.
In simplicity; capitalism demands participation and socialism demands conformity. One sacrifices the individual whilst the other heralds and rejoices in the individual. There are risks in both, moral cures in neither, awareness and struggle in both; it all depends on who you want to carry the load of the elite and how you want economic, or individual power gained and lost.
Neither capitalism nor socialism create or secure morality.
Capitalism allows for a society to set its individuals in the midst of their own value setting, with a high risk of reality to that risk and value setting. Advice would be to protect the rights not the privileges of the masses and insure a flow of wealth to fall as well as emulate from effort and productivity of societies members.
Examples would be our checkered history. Social aims should be addressed from the morality of the people not the finances imposed by government will , which only seams to divert power to a different group that then seeks to dominate the economics of others; Again not necessarily a guarantee of safety or security for all.
Socialism has the same flaws permanently etched in its history but more so in its presumption that it cleanses corruption from political intent. It does no such thing but does force compliance to the will of the few at the expense of individual social aim and decisions to survive. Securing government approval or coercion of purpose seems to be its foundation not moral support of destinies aims.
I know a lot of well intended ideas and people think that socialism works on paper and that should give in preference over capitalism; however the truth is far more different.
Virtuous aims exist in all systems and a certain amount of trust that the government will impose as little debt and burden to individuals to insure choice and survival can’t be insured without civic responsibility and a desire to allow people their space to freely seek their own wealth, destiny and individual set purpose in life’s pursuits. No system can guarantee that and neither system will preserve that, if the people willfully give over their individual mass power to government control.
We are seeing Carl Marxist theory that if you burden capitalism with enough well intention un-affordable government mandated programs you can collapse it. To assume that socialism is a cure of this kind of destruction of worth and self destiny is a blessing is very far from the truth.
The questions to ask is are the flaws of capitalism more egregious than the stifling government control and destruction of individual risk and reward a better safer alternative?
Never assume that one system over another is the cure for human frailty and moral decay. One system is designed around human forced conformity and what is perceived as an acceptable sacrifice; the people’s choice of self destiny. The result is the ever decreasing rewards of servitude to some one elses will. The other is designed around a more risky proposition, which requires participation in an effort to succeed and not be left outside of the flow of success. Prosperity therefore is not its flaw but its reward.
In simplicity; capitalism demands participation and socialism demands conformity. One sacrifices the individual whilst the other heralds and rejoices in the individual. There are risks in both, moral cures in neither, awareness and struggle in both; it all depends on who you want to carry the load of the elite and how you want economic, or individual power gained and lost.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Salvations release
Salvation is our release from bondage, the chains of perpetual fault
Where men are trapped in constant guilt and bathed in daily sorrow
Freedom gained from absolution puts the guilt under assault
So men can rejoice in freedoms promise and live a better life tomorrow
Where men are trapped in constant guilt and bathed in daily sorrow
Freedom gained from absolution puts the guilt under assault
So men can rejoice in freedoms promise and live a better life tomorrow
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Good poetry
Can any one be a poet?
Like good taste many people think they have it, but its subject to others scrutiny so that not every one will agree on the offered perceptions merit.
Can any one be a poet? Yes!
But not every one will be a good poet...today.
Wait a week or two and who knows.
Many a famous work of art and poetry were no different, having developed an audience as tastes have changed over time, makes even the worst attempts at audience recognition a possibility for future examination.
Like any art form, the audiences appreciation of a work may be hidden from the public's acceptance until that perception changes to fit the artist's view.
This is nearly proof positive of the forgiveness of sin.
You can mess up today and be deemed a saint tomorrow depending on whose perception rings authorities voice on it in future days, and of course the reverse is also true, proving the universe has the last word on judgment. I'd like to think there is a constant that keeps good taste and art at a level that inspires a higher plain, but the truth seems to be simpler.
Good art, good taste and good poetry "connect" to an audience nothing more. That connection can not be explained in simple words so there are thousands of attempts to explain it over the centuries of time. That seems to be what we call schooling. Good schooling enlightens, where as bad schooling constricts and binds the spirit to conformity and sometimes divides us from our artistic connection toward life.
Art, like true living, is a free expression of our interpretations of what we believe and are willing to show the world.
You might as well say you are trying to find the universes ear. We all want to connect. We all want a voice and we sometimes find the same tone others are using to find that same thing. If its near the truth it resonates in time, if its false to that universe it fades. One thing is for sure, that if you don't speak up, then you won't be heard and that silence, although forever pure in its form, has no audience.
You may as well say we are all self taught authors of our own existence.....we all try to connect and become what we think explains ourselves. Good or bad...that is art...a connection freely expressed and sometimes it sounds like poetry...its a matter of taste.
Like good taste many people think they have it, but its subject to others scrutiny so that not every one will agree on the offered perceptions merit.
Can any one be a poet? Yes!
But not every one will be a good poet...today.
Wait a week or two and who knows.
Many a famous work of art and poetry were no different, having developed an audience as tastes have changed over time, makes even the worst attempts at audience recognition a possibility for future examination.
Like any art form, the audiences appreciation of a work may be hidden from the public's acceptance until that perception changes to fit the artist's view.
This is nearly proof positive of the forgiveness of sin.
You can mess up today and be deemed a saint tomorrow depending on whose perception rings authorities voice on it in future days, and of course the reverse is also true, proving the universe has the last word on judgment. I'd like to think there is a constant that keeps good taste and art at a level that inspires a higher plain, but the truth seems to be simpler.
Good art, good taste and good poetry "connect" to an audience nothing more. That connection can not be explained in simple words so there are thousands of attempts to explain it over the centuries of time. That seems to be what we call schooling. Good schooling enlightens, where as bad schooling constricts and binds the spirit to conformity and sometimes divides us from our artistic connection toward life.
Art, like true living, is a free expression of our interpretations of what we believe and are willing to show the world.
You might as well say you are trying to find the universes ear. We all want to connect. We all want a voice and we sometimes find the same tone others are using to find that same thing. If its near the truth it resonates in time, if its false to that universe it fades. One thing is for sure, that if you don't speak up, then you won't be heard and that silence, although forever pure in its form, has no audience.
You may as well say we are all self taught authors of our own existence.....we all try to connect and become what we think explains ourselves. Good or bad...that is art...a connection freely expressed and sometimes it sounds like poetry...its a matter of taste.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The value of dirt
For the most part those that have worked in dirt know the price of dirt….....civilization would be the wiser to pay attention to that known value
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The beast has arisen
The beast has arisen,
Awakened at the dawn
Of a new century rising
His evil will spawn
A new generation of anger
Deceit and pain
As he tightens his coils
On souls to drain
Serpents tongue
Dank festering stare
Unjustified scrutiny
Increasing despair
Wrath is upon us
Disguised in speech
Sublime and beautiful
Sweet as a peach
Succulent language
Convincing blurbs
Eloquent treachery
Satisfying words
Who will hear us?
In our pain
Voices arrested
Suppression the gain
The serpent is reaching
For more to bind
Under slithering scales
All will find
Hope is extinguished
By such as this
A convincing orator
Smooth as a kiss
Takes more than his share
Through temptations lot
Stealing the future
More than you’ve got
Venomous snakes
And mongoose spit
Prove once again
A poisonous fit
From resisting a beast
Then drooling becomes
Victories treat
Sign me up
For the battle has come
Spasmodic dancers
Pound on the drum
Awakened at the dawn
Of a new century rising
His evil will spawn
A new generation of anger
Deceit and pain
As he tightens his coils
On souls to drain
Serpents tongue
Dank festering stare
Unjustified scrutiny
Increasing despair
Wrath is upon us
Disguised in speech
Sublime and beautiful
Sweet as a peach
Succulent language
Convincing blurbs
Eloquent treachery
Satisfying words
Who will hear us?
In our pain
Voices arrested
Suppression the gain
The serpent is reaching
For more to bind
Under slithering scales
All will find
Hope is extinguished
By such as this
A convincing orator
Smooth as a kiss
Takes more than his share
Through temptations lot
Stealing the future
More than you’ve got
Venomous snakes
And mongoose spit
Prove once again
A poisonous fit
From resisting a beast
Then drooling becomes
Victories treat
Sign me up
For the battle has come
Spasmodic dancers
Pound on the drum
Saturday, June 6, 2009
One should not begrudge a King
One should not begrudge a King
One should not begrudge a King,
his podium or his throne.
Without induced elevation,
a midget we’d see alone.
Once he lived an empty existence,
never fulfilling his life long dream,
Of ruling over better men
than he could ever be.
The rest of us, having our talents,
share in liberty and freedom for all
Without the need to inflate ourselves
Or to make others feel quite small
So next time elevated self purpose
Steps upon its pompous throne
Turn away in laughter
And be thankful it’s not your home
And you and I can wryly laugh
while kings are viewed as stinkers
spending their days concocting laws
With their head up in their sphincter
One should not begrudge a King,
his podium or his throne.
Without induced elevation,
a midget we’d see alone.
Once he lived an empty existence,
never fulfilling his life long dream,
Of ruling over better men
than he could ever be.
The rest of us, having our talents,
share in liberty and freedom for all
Without the need to inflate ourselves
Or to make others feel quite small
So next time elevated self purpose
Steps upon its pompous throne
Turn away in laughter
And be thankful it’s not your home
And you and I can wryly laugh
while kings are viewed as stinkers
spending their days concocting laws
With their head up in their sphincter
Your rewards
Your reward
How does evil come to power?
Does it give you something of value?
Does it promise you hope?
How is evil able to win the game?
Does it open your mind?
Does it help you cope?
How can anyone resist?
Does evil provide sustenance?
Does it coddle your ego?
How does evil stay in power
Does it make you rich?
Does it make your enemies go?
What is evil to you?
Your friend, your comfort your god?
Let me know
What then is goodness to you?
If evil fills your soul?
Will you exist playing evils role?
Abide by your truths
Upon death you will address
Receiving what you gave and expect no less
Will evil keep you?
Will evil forgive you?
What in the end will be you?
Abide by your truths
Upon death you will address
Receiving what you gave and expect no less
How does evil come to power?
Does it give you something of value?
Does it promise you hope?
How is evil able to win the game?
Does it open your mind?
Does it help you cope?
How can anyone resist?
Does evil provide sustenance?
Does it coddle your ego?
How does evil stay in power
Does it make you rich?
Does it make your enemies go?
What is evil to you?
Your friend, your comfort your god?
Let me know
What then is goodness to you?
If evil fills your soul?
Will you exist playing evils role?
Abide by your truths
Upon death you will address
Receiving what you gave and expect no less
Will evil keep you?
Will evil forgive you?
What in the end will be you?
Abide by your truths
Upon death you will address
Receiving what you gave and expect no less
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Prides Curse
Prides curse
Who stands to the side and claims he’s right,
when he hasn’t struggled with himself and joined the fight?
Who speaks of ways to win the day,
when he hasn’t a method to show the way?
Who gives this man the power to lead,
when to his own advice he doesn’t heed?
We have a word to describe these men;
They have come before and hurt us then
They speak of ways of victories gained,
with words and thoughts and mutual disdain
But in the end they bring the wrath,
of realities weapon a physical path
So when you hear the words of praise,
laid on a speakers as he wins the day
Be sure to rest your life and limb,
on the man who would fight for you not with him
For all the talk and words from the righteous,
its men of action, that are there to save us
So what’s the word we use to describe,
the man who speaks clever but from action he hides?
The word at times, can describe many of us,
It’s the way of pride and its being self-righteous
Untested by actions promised by a word,
those that practice it, should be judged as absurd
They speak most beautifully stroking each phrase,
telling of visions that they have dreamed for days
But in the end when all is done,
the methods they preach are the same from which they run
So mind your ears and decide who’s joking,
and trust in a man who has done what he has spoken
Who stands to the side and claims he’s right,
when he hasn’t struggled with himself and joined the fight?
Who speaks of ways to win the day,
when he hasn’t a method to show the way?
Who gives this man the power to lead,
when to his own advice he doesn’t heed?
We have a word to describe these men;
They have come before and hurt us then
They speak of ways of victories gained,
with words and thoughts and mutual disdain
But in the end they bring the wrath,
of realities weapon a physical path
So when you hear the words of praise,
laid on a speakers as he wins the day
Be sure to rest your life and limb,
on the man who would fight for you not with him
For all the talk and words from the righteous,
its men of action, that are there to save us
So what’s the word we use to describe,
the man who speaks clever but from action he hides?
The word at times, can describe many of us,
It’s the way of pride and its being self-righteous
Untested by actions promised by a word,
those that practice it, should be judged as absurd
They speak most beautifully stroking each phrase,
telling of visions that they have dreamed for days
But in the end when all is done,
the methods they preach are the same from which they run
So mind your ears and decide who’s joking,
and trust in a man who has done what he has spoken
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Break through
When at first you choose to follow
You are not maybe aware
That the path that’s being forged for you
Is one you wouldn’t dare.
At the point of your awakening
That you have been led astray
Are you prepared to make a choice?
Or humbly fade away?
From down below the pavement deep
A little seed breaks through
As delicate as a small flower is
It still knows what to do
Rise up my friend and make the choice
The journey is yours to claim
Trust the path to enlightened growth
Set your eyes to the highest aim
No seed ever asked “how big should I be?”
Or “what am I to do?”
It’s all or nothing to become alive
Even if it’s a Mountain you must break on through
You are not maybe aware
That the path that’s being forged for you
Is one you wouldn’t dare.
At the point of your awakening
That you have been led astray
Are you prepared to make a choice?
Or humbly fade away?
From down below the pavement deep
A little seed breaks through
As delicate as a small flower is
It still knows what to do
Rise up my friend and make the choice
The journey is yours to claim
Trust the path to enlightened growth
Set your eyes to the highest aim
No seed ever asked “how big should I be?”
Or “what am I to do?”
It’s all or nothing to become alive
Even if it’s a Mountain you must break on through
In Memorial
In memorial
Quietly we must tread
Upon the favored soil
Where fire did vanquish
And blood did boil
Lives have been spent
In the righteous defense
The virtuous were given
Their sacrifice was immense
Mortality has a value
That living heroes know
Bought measure by measure
With what the willing do sow
Dwarfed we are
At the heightened path
By others who gave
Defying enemy’s wrath
Softly we must tread
On consecrated soil
Where men have bled
Gaining victories spoil
Quietly we must tread
On the splendid field
Where freedom chose to resist
And not to yield
Quietly we must tread
Upon the favored soil
Where fire did vanquish
And blood did boil
Lives have been spent
In the righteous defense
The virtuous were given
Their sacrifice was immense
Mortality has a value
That living heroes know
Bought measure by measure
With what the willing do sow
Dwarfed we are
At the heightened path
By others who gave
Defying enemy’s wrath
Softly we must tread
On consecrated soil
Where men have bled
Gaining victories spoil
Quietly we must tread
On the splendid field
Where freedom chose to resist
And not to yield
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
One last victory
Blackened sky
Cold damp breeze
My heart sunk like a stone
A dragon's tongue
and yellow eyes
Before it I stood alone
Without a sword
Or a place to hide
My nakedness was revealed
what terrible fate
what ghastly end
my courage would be annealed
between me and it
a whiskers breadth
and the confidence in my God
That I alone
And my true heart
Would get the victory nod
Sickness is
Like cancerous fright
The serpent that swallows life
But conquer fear
And live in faith
In death is found no strife
Trust the Son
the warming breeze
I leave this life alone
I hold my tongue
Close my eyes
Yes… I’m going home
Thursday, May 7, 2009
How oft this has happened
I’m not really sure
But it seems quite obvious
Even to the likes of Al Gore
That our planet is living
And always is about change
Though his ilk seems to be thinking
A message they can’t explain
Global warming is evil
Mother Nature is bent
She has been over burdened
By America’s exhaust vent
I challenge that thesis
On the grounds it ain’t so
Cause nature is fickle
It’s a women don’t you know
If climatic conditions
Have proved time and agin
That mankind’s a victim
Of mother natures passing whim
But Al is a selling
A message of doom
As soothsayers before him
Profited on gloom
Enough from you peddlers
Of instant success
Predicting desperation
Like it’s a new party dress
Our world goes around
It seeks its own way
Nature is beyond you
No matter what you say
I am no heathen
I seek no disrespect
But I’ve noticed a cooling
Last time I checked
Those of you who follow
Political intervention
This religion of yours
Is a human invention
I like Mother Nature
respect her ancient ways
Tomorrow she’s sunny
But not today
Change is inevitable
On that I am sold
Prostitution and soothsaying
Are as professions
Almost as old
I’m not really sure
But it seems quite obvious
Even to the likes of Al Gore
That our planet is living
And always is about change
Though his ilk seems to be thinking
A message they can’t explain
Global warming is evil
Mother Nature is bent
She has been over burdened
By America’s exhaust vent
I challenge that thesis
On the grounds it ain’t so
Cause nature is fickle
It’s a women don’t you know
If climatic conditions
Have proved time and agin
That mankind’s a victim
Of mother natures passing whim
But Al is a selling
A message of doom
As soothsayers before him
Profited on gloom
Enough from you peddlers
Of instant success
Predicting desperation
Like it’s a new party dress
Our world goes around
It seeks its own way
Nature is beyond you
No matter what you say
I am no heathen
I seek no disrespect
But I’ve noticed a cooling
Last time I checked
Those of you who follow
Political intervention
This religion of yours
Is a human invention
I like Mother Nature
respect her ancient ways
Tomorrow she’s sunny
But not today
Change is inevitable
On that I am sold
Prostitution and soothsaying
Are as professions
Almost as old
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
tomorrows choice
Tomorrows choice is to live beyond the limitations of today’s folly, so that our memories that look back to see today can laugh out loud in grand cacophony at how silly we lived yesterday.
Without that freedom we are condemned to attach ourselves to the sorrow of what we did not become today.
Without that freedom we are condemned to attach ourselves to the sorrow of what we did not become today.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
carbon tax
Using taxation to perfect societal flaws
What makes this current trend of intellectual supremacy so unfit for human consumption, is the bases of taxation in itself is imperfect at every level, yet it is used to perfect society at the hands of the most imperfect of all, idealized politically motivated despots in need of an audience.
I mean that in the kindest of ways.
Every time some professors, preaches an advertisement campaign to justify servitude from one man to another by outside political forces, they are suggesting enslavement to another's will and it is usually their authorship, not the individuals, and disconnects the players involved as justification of imposed will by doctrine.
We are suffering under a barrage of pied pipers playing the government imposed dictum rule, and all these claimed intelligentsia are perpetrating collective gathering principles to sweep away their feared nemesis; Competition!
As in all things even the professorial flock is fearful of their transparent perch upon the elevated state podium of fabricated self worth. What better way to gain power and notoriety but to invest in promoting totalitarianism over the individual and to back it up with vague references to equality and fairness through moderated taxation.
Yes even the chains of slave hood make all who are chained equal under the whip. So it almost makes sense to a government stooge to request, yea even require, chains of more taxation at the hands of the uncle Tom playing the owners pet.
What makes this current trend of intellectual supremacy so unfit for human consumption, is the bases of taxation in itself is imperfect at every level, yet it is used to perfect society at the hands of the most imperfect of all, idealized politically motivated despots in need of an audience.
I mean that in the kindest of ways.
Every time some professors, preaches an advertisement campaign to justify servitude from one man to another by outside political forces, they are suggesting enslavement to another's will and it is usually their authorship, not the individuals, and disconnects the players involved as justification of imposed will by doctrine.
We are suffering under a barrage of pied pipers playing the government imposed dictum rule, and all these claimed intelligentsia are perpetrating collective gathering principles to sweep away their feared nemesis; Competition!
As in all things even the professorial flock is fearful of their transparent perch upon the elevated state podium of fabricated self worth. What better way to gain power and notoriety but to invest in promoting totalitarianism over the individual and to back it up with vague references to equality and fairness through moderated taxation.
Yes even the chains of slave hood make all who are chained equal under the whip. So it almost makes sense to a government stooge to request, yea even require, chains of more taxation at the hands of the uncle Tom playing the owners pet.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Dinosaurs were to big to fail
where are they now?
An inch of sediment or a mile of sand
even the monumental giants
are victims of natures hand
The wisdom of selection
is there to invent
but fools play gods
inverting natures intent
Men decide to tamper
and folly is exposed
as even sediment can bury a tower
time and truth are natures repose
where are they now?
An inch of sediment or a mile of sand
even the monumental giants
are victims of natures hand
The wisdom of selection
is there to invent
but fools play gods
inverting natures intent
Men decide to tamper
and folly is exposed
as even sediment can bury a tower
time and truth are natures repose
Stupendous Ignoramus
cantankerous curmudgeons will agree
that thrice a bad decision made proves habit of demon proportion
scowl you must
this I trust
Will etch fore ever in shame
their pompous stupendous ignoramus declaration at we
that thrice a bad decision made proves habit of demon proportion
scowl you must
this I trust
Will etch fore ever in shame
their pompous stupendous ignoramus declaration at we
Rebellion is crucial
unless you are willing to be lead by a government minstrel
then the unwilling become the defeated
and the tune being played isn't liberty but servitude instead
So what's your poison
to march to the masters of communism
Or to gain your salvation
stepping away from the vanquished pawns and seek freedom from oppression?
Times are late
The fool mutters his sympathetic cry "just wait"
as Communism seeps into each crevice
Actions not taken when the beast is eating puts constipation of civilization upon us.
unless you are willing to be lead by a government minstrel
then the unwilling become the defeated
and the tune being played isn't liberty but servitude instead
So what's your poison
to march to the masters of communism
Or to gain your salvation
stepping away from the vanquished pawns and seek freedom from oppression?
Times are late
The fool mutters his sympathetic cry "just wait"
as Communism seeps into each crevice
Actions not taken when the beast is eating puts constipation of civilization upon us.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wisdom earned
Self appointed wisdom lacks the credential of an unbiased witness,
yet the humble deed done with silent pride substantiates its own validity.
yet the humble deed done with silent pride substantiates its own validity.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Path

I see the path vaguely now that leads me through the fog, beyond the smoke, the ethereal gas, destinies chaotic bog.
Peer I to see beyond the scope of limited present vision, hope lifts my mind far away outside this mysterious prison.
Perceptions bleak when compasses fail but destiny beckons on, what wonders exist at the climactic edge, where the light reveals the dawn.
beget begot
Violence begets
what violence begot
Inaction reveals
a life will be lost
When you have strove
to overtake
Remember this wisdom;
You’ll reap the measure of the method you make
what violence begot
Inaction reveals
a life will be lost
When you have strove
to overtake
Remember this wisdom;
You’ll reap the measure of the method you make
In the shadows lurks
Under the cover of deception waits
Desperately it clings
Pathetic self anointment
Insidious are its acts
False to life
Empty to reason
Cowardly moving beneath contempt
Striding arrogance
Crawling vile weakness
Towering ignorance
Slithering waste
Sub human predator
Children beware
Mothers weep
A creature is upon us
Hideous in the light
Under the cover of deception waits
Desperately it clings
Pathetic self anointment
Insidious are its acts
False to life
Empty to reason
Cowardly moving beneath contempt
Striding arrogance
Crawling vile weakness
Towering ignorance
Slithering waste
Sub human predator
Children beware
Mothers weep
A creature is upon us
Hideous in the light
Friday, March 6, 2009
Making waves
History is the first things people ignore when trying to act bigger than life. That way the ideal they are measuring up to, can be of their own invention and devoid of the cumbersome detail of evidence and proof by past example. By comparison they fall short in every aspect and have the only claim to fame as being present when history is being made or in some cases undone.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Mirth on earth
Peace on earth goodwill toward men
A visionary declared his wish
To put at ease the common fear that evil lurks within
All who walk have seen the cause
Of peace that runs amuck
By well intentions vigilantes’ whose peace leads us to wars
Good will toward men seems innocent
If kept as simple words
But forcing peace upon another usually reaches the reverse intent
What say you, who doth protest
At one cause or another
And holds his fist up to the sky and threatens all the rest
Hold your tongue and form your way
With everlasting good
The sword you swing has consequence that perhaps you can not pay
Peace on earth will not occur
The sage he did wish too much
For peace is for the dead you see and in the living we must endure
Good will toward men a fine declaration
Its purpose is quite clear
For men to stand and declare there will as goodness with given direction
I’d like to alter a little bit
The wisdom of the age
and say to all, “there is no peace on earth, but an elevated path that’s shared to it”
A visionary declared his wish
To put at ease the common fear that evil lurks within
All who walk have seen the cause
Of peace that runs amuck
By well intentions vigilantes’ whose peace leads us to wars
Good will toward men seems innocent
If kept as simple words
But forcing peace upon another usually reaches the reverse intent
What say you, who doth protest
At one cause or another
And holds his fist up to the sky and threatens all the rest
Hold your tongue and form your way
With everlasting good
The sword you swing has consequence that perhaps you can not pay
Peace on earth will not occur
The sage he did wish too much
For peace is for the dead you see and in the living we must endure
Good will toward men a fine declaration
Its purpose is quite clear
For men to stand and declare there will as goodness with given direction
I’d like to alter a little bit
The wisdom of the age
and say to all, “there is no peace on earth, but an elevated path that’s shared to it”
Thursday, February 19, 2009
In my life, I have never seen a slave. I have never seen a man fight another over his color but certainly over his opinion or voice. In school there were few men or women of color and the ratio of race concerns to the usual opinion concerns wasn't of significance, if at all.
I saw and participated in my share of fights of anger but none over race. No one cared for that back then or at least I didn't. I have hired men of color in my business, men of Spanish, Irish and any other dissent. I have had two native American friends, although I have never checked peoples spermatic origin.
In my life I have been barraged with the plight of the black man, the wrongdoing of the whites and the need to make up some ground that we have done, and by association of origin I too have done. Throughout my day I hear radio and news bulletins infected with hate toward each other disguised as black power, black pride or simple black culture. I see the same from some white groups.
Maybe I am naive, but slavery was in the past and the hate belongs in that time. I have no need to relive the experience of false accusation against my neighbor for something he has never lived nor been a witness to. I am proud of my life. I am not so arrogant or self righteous as to think I am superior to my past or invincible toward the future. I live here now and in the day.
I read history. I see hate has no color barrier. I read the news, it has no time barrier either. The commonality is ignorance, fear and the desire to belong.
I don't belong to the past nor the hate of today disguised as political correctness. I choose my friends not by their color but their value as friends and confidants. I apologize to those that think their color or lack of it holds some merit. Deeds and attitude to others has my highest respect, all else seems below merit and of the childish nature.
In my life I have seen slaves. The ones that choose to follow the past and develop hate and direction from a day gone by. Ones that would enslave another for their own personal gain and force political concerns based on the past and not the future freedom and equality of all. We cal that liberty and it needs the support of humans that are mature enough to get over themselves and define their lives by what they do now, not what their fathers did in the past.
No one passes through life without resistance and all will face a foe. I'd be careful not to label all opposition racism as the freedom to resist a tyrant may transcend color. At least I hope so. and always be aware that your battles are from within your own self and not always the man who opposes you.
I saw and participated in my share of fights of anger but none over race. No one cared for that back then or at least I didn't. I have hired men of color in my business, men of Spanish, Irish and any other dissent. I have had two native American friends, although I have never checked peoples spermatic origin.
In my life I have been barraged with the plight of the black man, the wrongdoing of the whites and the need to make up some ground that we have done, and by association of origin I too have done. Throughout my day I hear radio and news bulletins infected with hate toward each other disguised as black power, black pride or simple black culture. I see the same from some white groups.
Maybe I am naive, but slavery was in the past and the hate belongs in that time. I have no need to relive the experience of false accusation against my neighbor for something he has never lived nor been a witness to. I am proud of my life. I am not so arrogant or self righteous as to think I am superior to my past or invincible toward the future. I live here now and in the day.
I read history. I see hate has no color barrier. I read the news, it has no time barrier either. The commonality is ignorance, fear and the desire to belong.
I don't belong to the past nor the hate of today disguised as political correctness. I choose my friends not by their color but their value as friends and confidants. I apologize to those that think their color or lack of it holds some merit. Deeds and attitude to others has my highest respect, all else seems below merit and of the childish nature.
In my life I have seen slaves. The ones that choose to follow the past and develop hate and direction from a day gone by. Ones that would enslave another for their own personal gain and force political concerns based on the past and not the future freedom and equality of all. We cal that liberty and it needs the support of humans that are mature enough to get over themselves and define their lives by what they do now, not what their fathers did in the past.
No one passes through life without resistance and all will face a foe. I'd be careful not to label all opposition racism as the freedom to resist a tyrant may transcend color. At least I hope so. and always be aware that your battles are from within your own self and not always the man who opposes you.
Insightful Holder
I heard it spoken, on you tube today
That Americans are cowards, when speaking on race, any away
Freedom of speech, doesn’t require much thought
But a full fledged idea, now that’s something hot
Since I was young, I’ve heard of nothing but race
From one group of people, the rest keep the pace
It is hard to imagine, a more insensitive word
As defamatory as cowardice, to be used so absurd
But what’s even crasser, or hurtful, even shallow
To boast of intelligence, while speaking so hollow
Another small man, has opened his mouth
To reveal his inadequacies, as small as a mouse
America suffers, the fools and wise
And carries on virtuous, seeing through their disguise
Good men are resilient, and tolerate the mean
Their patience a virtue, the world has already seen
The soap box can elevate, and make a man heard
but size is determined, by what’s in his words
I salute the large foot, that’s dwarfed a small man
And positioned its author, lowly, at his own hand
An infant learns speech, grows and learns with no guarantee
That wisdom will follow, when he graduates with a degree
So suffer the fool, and keep to the pace
We all have our burdens; the least of all is our race.
That Americans are cowards, when speaking on race, any away
Freedom of speech, doesn’t require much thought
But a full fledged idea, now that’s something hot
Since I was young, I’ve heard of nothing but race
From one group of people, the rest keep the pace
It is hard to imagine, a more insensitive word
As defamatory as cowardice, to be used so absurd
But what’s even crasser, or hurtful, even shallow
To boast of intelligence, while speaking so hollow
Another small man, has opened his mouth
To reveal his inadequacies, as small as a mouse
America suffers, the fools and wise
And carries on virtuous, seeing through their disguise
Good men are resilient, and tolerate the mean
Their patience a virtue, the world has already seen
The soap box can elevate, and make a man heard
but size is determined, by what’s in his words
I salute the large foot, that’s dwarfed a small man
And positioned its author, lowly, at his own hand
An infant learns speech, grows and learns with no guarantee
That wisdom will follow, when he graduates with a degree
So suffer the fool, and keep to the pace
We all have our burdens; the least of all is our race.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Stimulus; Stim-u-lus, n. financial inspiration gained at the expense of the future x interest + mis-allocations = elongation of dilemma. Otherwise known as no end in sight and more to come.
Possible origin Stim from (Stymie to confound) (U) short for You and (lus) from lose.
Stymie you lose.....
ex. USA depression of 1930's and Japan in 90's
Possible origin Stim from (Stymie to confound) (U) short for You and (lus) from lose.
Stymie you lose.....
ex. USA depression of 1930's and Japan in 90's
Stimulus woes!
The first shall be last
they did declare
while sitting high up
on their easy chair
and the last shall be made first
was newly declared
as the best solution
to making things "fair"
and the last shall discover a thirst
Spend a trillion here
spend a trillion there
the debt keeps climbing
yet nobody seems to care
and bailouts were given to even the worst
same old sellers
of yesterdays lies
promise us the moment
and reach for the skies
and all shall become bloated for want and thirst
the last shall be first
the heretic did cry
as he sold out the present
for future voters to buy
and all felt the load when the easy chair burst
and all felt the load
from the last to the very, very first
they did declare
while sitting high up
on their easy chair
and the last shall be made first
was newly declared
as the best solution
to making things "fair"
and the last shall discover a thirst
Spend a trillion here
spend a trillion there
the debt keeps climbing
yet nobody seems to care
and bailouts were given to even the worst
same old sellers
of yesterdays lies
promise us the moment
and reach for the skies
and all shall become bloated for want and thirst
the last shall be first
the heretic did cry
as he sold out the present
for future voters to buy
and all felt the load when the easy chair burst
and all felt the load
from the last to the very, very first
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